**Skip to the bottom if you know all the goodness thats in the report and just want to get to it.**
This report is broken up into 6 areas - Overall Score, Listings Score, Reviews Score, Social Score, Advertising Score, SEO Score, and Website Score. I want to touch briefly on each section and why it is important.
Overall Score - This provides on overall comparison when compared with your competitors in the market place. Viewed as a guide for the improvement you should always be striving for a higher score.
Listing Score - Its critical that local and regional businesses can be found online. Being listed on the major platforms AND have accurate information is the cornerstone for SEO. If you score is low then we need to look at accuracy among data providers and presence on listing platforms. If your score is high then we need to monitor those providers and keep the data accurate.
Reviews Score - This section looks at the number of reviews, how recent the reviews are, and the average score of reviews. Remember that you need to have recent reviews in addition to 5 star reviews, the request for reviews should be ongoing.
Social Score - This score is derived from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Number of posts/tweets, followers, following, and averages across the board. Steady engagement across all platforms is an industry best practice.
Website Score - This section looks at mobile responsiveness, desktop load speed, and homepage content. While not a full in depth report, ask us for that if you want, it does provide a good overall view of your website. Load speed along with metrics that can be fixed are presented for follow up.
Advertising Score - If you are advertising on Google we look at , Google Ads: The type of Paid Keywords, CPC, and PPC results your prospect could receive if they were using an advertising solution, along with competitor campaign comparison. Facebook retargeting options and opportunities. Keyword recommendations and ad performance against industry benchmarks.
SEO Score - The elusive, shifting, holy grail of all online businesses - SEO rankings. This report looks at your organic keyword performance and ranking vs industry and competitors. In addition, it looks at the clicks you are getting and puts a value on them for comparison/cost analysis. With your keywords loaded it also shows local and global searches.
A sample report is displayed below, your report will be very similar. At the bottom of this page is the section where you can enter your information to receive the FREE report. You do need to give us some basic information (we can't run the report without it), if your business does not automatically pull up you may need to enter the basic information manually.
The report is free for all new signups so feel free to share with someone you know who owns a business.
"The first step in developing a solid plan is knowing where you are starting from."