If you have ordered a campaign that includes advertising on Facebook, we will need access to the Facebook Page to be able to run the campaign.
Here’s how to give us access to your Facebook Page:
1. You will receive a request from our Facebook Manager Account
2. The admins of the Facebook Page will receive a notification that “Digital
Agency” Business Manager is requesting access. Here’s what that looks like:
If the page admins do not see a notification they will be able to find the request and
approve it in the Page Roles menu of their Facebook Page.
Here are the steps to do that:
1. Navigate to your Facebook Page
2. Click "Settings" in the top bar menu
3. In the settings menu select page roles on the left hand side of the page
4. Once in the Page Roles Menu, the admin will see the request in the center of
the page. They need to click “Respond To Request”, “I Give Digital Agency
Access To My Page”, “Approve Request”, then enter their Facebook Password
and click “Submit”.
5. Thats it! We now have access to your Facebook page and can begin with our work.