How To Setup Your Shopify Details Section

How To Setup Your Shopify Details Section


How To Setup Your Shopify Details Section

In this video I show you how to setup your store details page. This is a simple setup but there are a couple of things to look out for.


**Transcript** Hey there, it's Brandon. And in today's video, I'm going to walk you through how to do your store Details page. This is a very simple process to do. But there are a couple of things that you want to be aware of and how they affect other areas of your Shopify store. So let's go ahead and let's jump right in. Let's go to our Shopify admin down on the bottom left, go ahead and click on your settings. And that's going to take you to the settings menu, which gives you the option to do all kinds of different settings setups within your store. The very first one is the store Details page. So this is the one I want to talk to you about today. So right here on the top, we have some basic store contact information. And this very first field is the store name. Now there's a couple of things with this field that it's important to know about. One, when you set up your Shopify store, when you first logged in, you put in a store name, and that's what's populating here. So for this tutorial, I created one Hoku training store one, you can change your store name in this field. Okay, so let's go ahead and let's change this to just Hoku training store two. And I'll go ahead and save it. Okay, so it takes it and it changes the store name Toku training store two, and you'll see that here, it's changed here. But you'll notice right below the URL that you're automatically assigned from Shopify doesn't change. The only way to change that subdomain that Shopify creates for you, is to go and create a whole new store. So why would you want to change your store name? Well, maybe you want to just show something different, you want to label it different. But there's another reason that it's good to look at your store name, because this is what is displayed in your theme in the header logo section. S o this is the old one, let me refresh this page since I changed it to Hoku training store too. And you'll notice it will update to Hoku training store two. So if you want to have the wording different on your website, and let's say you don't have a logo, I don't recommend this, I do recommend going out and getting a logo. But I know a lot of you are bootstrapping it and you're just going from zero, and you want to have something displayed a little nicer than Hoku training store, you could change that to whatever it is you want displayed. If you go to header, you'll see in the menu here, I have no logo image selected. If I were to pick a logo image, it would override this. But this is being populated from what you have here in the store Details page. So yeah, if you want to know how to change that, that's how you do it, you do it in the store Details page. Right below that we have our two email sections. Pretty straightforward. This is who Shopify is going to. This is the email that Shopify is going to use to contact you. But it's also the address that your customers will see. So if you want to change this to info or maybe manager or customer support, this is where you would go ahead and change that. This will affect all the other notifications, the send to's, for people who are receiving information from your store when they do purchases, the store industry is totally optional, don't have to worry about it too much. Then we come here into the store address section. So this is what's going to obviously show up on your invoices, it is important to use the proper address, because this is what's going to be used also to calculate potentially store addresses if you don't set up another location. So if you just have one, you want to put that in there as well. The other reason of store addresses is important is there are a lot of apps that are regionally specific that are in this app store. So if you use an incorrect address, it may block you from using a particular app. So all in all, just put the store address or the location that you're doing business from and you should be fine. Right below that is the standard and format section. Pretty straightforward again, but you do want to realise and pay attention to the timezone that you have your store set up in. So I'm in Hawaii, let's say somebody in New York purchases a product at 3am in the morning, their time, that's going to be the previous day in Hawaii time. 4:56 So if someone is emailing me and saying hey, I bought this order on On Saturday, and I'm like, I don't see any orders on Saturday. That's because my system is set up on the timezone for Hawaii. And so those transactions are going to show on the previous day at Friday, probably about 910 o'clock at night. So it's always good to know what timezone you have your store set up in. Your unit system and your default Wait, wait, yep, use whatever you're set up with, but do realise that this is going to also translate over to shipping, or you can change it again over there, this will set up the default that will drop over there. For those of you that really getting into some heavy inventory and tracking of items and you want to be much more detailed, you can add some prefixes and suffixes in this area here. You can't actually change your order number per se, but if you wanted to add some things in to customise it so that you can track your orders in a different way or a more advanced way, this is where you would do that as well. And of course at the very bottom here we have store currency, that's you know, going to default to wherever you're at adding different currencies is a whole another topic to get into, but that's pretty much it. That's the store Details page, couple of low components here that affect other areas of the website that you should know about. I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you in the next one. Take care

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